What Are The Best Yoga Poses?
Almost everyone spends most of their day sitting. That’s not good for our mental and physical health. Sitting is the number one killer in the world, and cancer is behind it, even though a lot of people believe otherwise. Getting into a yoga practice is one of the best ways to improve your blood flow, wind down, and relax after a long hard day at work.
However, sticking to home practice is tough since you need to do it every day. The benefits are incredible, and it’s only after you do a routine for several weeks that you start to notice them. Set a few goals to do some of the best poses each day for a minute. Click here to read more.
That way, you’ll be looking forward to the time when you have to lay on the mat. Plus, you can strive and improve the poses and progress from a beginner to an advanced practitioner. Going back to the basics will improve your foundations, and you will be able to build up from there. Here are some of the best poses that you can include in your practice.
1. Garland Pose – Malasana

This pose requires you to squat deeply. This is one of the most difficult positions to master since it requires a lot of mobility in your pelvic region. Since most of us spend a lot of time sitting, our hip flexors become stiff, which makes it hard to squat with both heels down on the ground.
The Garland pose opens your hips and releases the tension in your lower back. If you’ve had issues with it, then practicing the Malasana will relieve you of the pain. Beginners should try to widen their stance to make it easier for the knees. If you start feeling tired or out of breath, you can add a block to sit on, which will make it less straining.
When you get to an intermediate level, you can start using your arms to push your knees outward. Connect the palms to each other and try to push with your chest into the thumbs. You will feel a slight rotation in your pelvis and feel a burning sensation the first time you do it.
After you’re finished with the movement, the entire region will feel warm and relaxed. The advanced version includes a forward fold or wrapping your hands behind the heels. This is the optimal exercise to wind down after a long and stressful day. Follow this page for more info https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/health/yoga-expert-on-8-wonderful-benefits-of-morning-meditation-101651293271554.html.
2. Four-Limbed Staff Pose – Chaturanga Dandasana
While the first pose was more about flexibility and winding down, the Chaturanga is all about strength. It looks like being in the middle of a perfect pushup, and that’s why it’s difficult to master. Most people won’t be able to do it on their first try, which is why you should try and ease into it.
If you don’t have the necessary strength and try to cheat the form, you can cause an injury to your shoulder or lower back. Beginners should start by dropping down on their knees and keeping their arms straight. Slowly progress to bending your elbows while keeping your core engaged. When you squeeze your abdomen, you prevent your lower back from dumping and causing an injury.
Focus on your elbows and keep them close to your body to reduce the pressure you feel. After a week or so, try to move your arms in the front, which will make the exercise harder. Over the course of several sessions, you will gain the necessary strength to be able to do it with good form. Next comes the tough part.
Most people want to spend only a few seconds in the Chaturanga pose. Make sure to inhale and exhale several times without shaking. Moving too quickly doesn’t give you the necessary benefits when it comes to strength. Don’t be surprised if you can do a couple of pushups after you master this pose!
3. Crescent Lunge Pose

When you first take a look at this pose, it’s going to feel like it’s incredibly easy. But when you try it, it’s a completely different story. Most people tend to neglect to stand, and this is a pose that will change your mind. Beginners often have challenges finding the balance since one of the legs is forward while the other one is back.
If you are moving side to side, take a look at your feet and see if they’re in a straight line. Try standing wider, which will give you more balance. As you get used to it, try to keep them hip-width apart. Another mistake is leaning forward.
It would be great if you had a mirror to look at yourself since that would be the best teacher. Bending the knee will allow you to straighten your upper body. Remember to keep your arms up and engage your core. Advanced practitioners can try to bend back with their upper body. This will require you to relax your neck and squeeze your pelvis.
4. Supported Twist Pose

This is one of the basic twisting poses in yoga that you need to master before you move on to the more advanced versions. Learning the mechanics will improve your flexibility, and your spine will be prepared for the more difficult ones. First of all, you should start laying on your back and picking your knees up.
Find a blanket or a thick book to hold between the knees to help support your legs. Then, slowly move your hips left to right. Make sure you feel comfortable throughout the process to decrease the chances of pulling a muscle. When you feel ready, try to look in the opposite direction of your knees. Keep your chin low to make your back neutral.
Your back might crack, but that will help with the alignment. The advanced version requires you to lengthen one of the legs and put one of your hands on the knee, and press. Most people want to start out with the reclined supported twist before they move on to other poses because it releases all of the pressure from your back.